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The Ohio State Univeristy vs. Case Western Reserve University

Ohio State University


While it is preposterously close to home (I feel that if I spit, I'd likely hit campus), OSU is a very pretty campus and while it seems large, when I visited, I certainly felt a strong sense of community over being a Buckeye. It was not my first choice, but it was the school that accepted my right off the bat, so I can't really complain. 


Aesthetically, OSU is a good choice, but academics is the question being asked right now. I got to sit in on a humanitarian engineering class, and that's when I really fell in love with it. I felt that it would be easy to find a group of people to fit in with and share my dreams with. Plus, it only takes about an additional 20 credit hours of German coursework to double major. While it takes an average of five years for an engineer to graduate from OSU, it's typically due to studying abroad and research projects and co-op programs and internships. There are a plethora of opportunities to advance myself and network, which is a very exciting prospect.


Lastly, of the in-country schools that I have an actual chance of getting into, OSU is the least expensive, at approximately $25k/year.

Case Western Reserve University


Case is located in Cleveland, and construction was a bear to deal with when I went towards the end of July. While I liked the campus, and there were lots of similar opportunities with co-ops and study abroad, there was a bit of sticker shock at about $60k/year. When comparing schools, price tage was a big factor, and while it had both my main major and my second major, it came at quite the pretty penny. I could just tell that it wasn't going to be a good fit. 

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